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Get Auto Merging Preview

customerprofiles_get_auto_merging_preview R Documentation

Tests the auto-merging settings of your Identity Resolution Job without merging your data


Tests the auto-merging settings of your Identity Resolution Job without merging your data. It randomly selects a sample of matching groups from the existing matching results, and applies the automerging settings that you provided. You can then view the number of profiles in the sample, the number of matches, and the number of profiles identified to be merged. This enables you to evaluate the accuracy of the attributes in your matching list.

You can't view which profiles are matched and would be merged.

We strongly recommend you use this API to do a dry run of the automerging process before running the Identity Resolution Job. Include at least two matching attributes. If your matching list includes too few attributes (such as only FirstName or only LastName), there may be a large number of matches. This increases the chances of erroneous merges.


customerprofiles_get_auto_merging_preview(DomainName, Consolidation,
  ConflictResolution, MinAllowedConfidenceScoreForMerging)



[required] The unique name of the domain.


[required] A list of matching attributes that represent matching criteria.


[required] How the auto-merging process should resolve conflicts between different profiles.


Minimum confidence score required for profiles within a matching group to be merged during the auto-merge process.


A list with the following syntax:

  DomainName = "string",
  NumberOfMatchesInSample = 123,
  NumberOfProfilesInSample = 123,
  NumberOfProfilesWillBeMerged = 123

Request syntax

  DomainName = "string",
  Consolidation = list(
    MatchingAttributesList = list(
  ConflictResolution = list(
    ConflictResolvingModel = "RECENCY"|"SOURCE",
    SourceName = "string"
  MinAllowedConfidenceScoreForMerging = 123.0