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Aws Nova Background Generation Guide

Background replacement with Amazon Bedrock in R: A Step-by-Step Guide

Developed from 05_background_replacement_using_mask_prompt

1. Load Necessary Libraries

First, we need to load the required libraries for AWS services, JSON handling, base64 encoding/decoding, and image processing.


2. Define the Image Generation Function

Next, we define a helper function generate_images that will handle the image generation process using Amazon Bedrock.

# Function to generate images using Amazon Nova
generate_images <- function(
    model_id = "amazon.nova-canvas-v1:0",
    client = NULL) {
  # Create client if not provided
  client <- client %||% bedrockruntime(region = "us-east-1")

  # Invoke the model with the provided parameters
  resp <- client$invoke_model(
    body = write_json_str(inference_params, auto_unbox = TRUE),
    modelId = model_id,
    accept = "application/json",
    contentType = "application/json"

  # Create the output directory if it doesn't exist
  dir.create(output_directory, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)

  # Read the response body and decode the images
  resp_body <- read_json_raw(resp$body)
  img_raw <- lapply(resp_body$images, base64decode)
  img <- lapply(img_raw, image_read)

  # Save the request and response to JSON files
    file.path(output_directory, "request.json"),
    auto_unbox = TRUE, pretty = TRUE
    file.path(output_directory, "response_body.json"),
    auto_unbox = TRUE, pretty = TRUE

  # Save the generated images to the output directory
  for (i in seq_along(img)) {
      img[[i]], file.path(output_directory, sprintf("image_%s.png", i))

3. Set Up Directories and Source Image

We define the directories and specify the source image that we want to use for the image generation task.

# Define directories and source image
DIR <- "amazon_nova_example"
SOURCE_IMAGE <- file.path(DIR, "images/amazon-coffee-maker-1.png")

4. Encode the Source Image

The source image is encoded to base64 format, which is required for the inference parameters.

# Encode the source image to base64

5. Define Inference Parameters

We set up the parameters for the image generation task, including the task type, description, mask prompt, and configuration.

# Define inference parameters for the image generation task
  taskType= "OUTPAINTING",
  outPaintingParams= list(
    image= SOURCE_IMAGE_BASE64,
    text= "a coffee maker in a sparse stylish kitchen, a single plate of pastries next to the coffee maker, a single cup of coffee. highly detailed, highest quality, product imagery",  # Description of the background to generate
    maskPrompt= "coffee maker",  # The element(s) to keep
    outPaintingMode= "PRECISE"  # "DEFAULT" softens the mask. "PRECISE" keeps it sharp.
  imageGenerationConfig = list(
    numberOfImages= 1,  # Number of variations to generate. 1 to 5.
    quality= "standard",  # Allowed values are "standard" and "premium"
    cfgScale= 7.0,  # How closely the prompt will be followed
    seed= 123L # Set Seed

6. Generate a Unique ID for the Output Directory

We create a unique ID for the output directory to ensure that each run of the script saves its results in a separate folder.

# Generate a unique ID for the output directory
GENERATION_ID <- strftime(Sys.time(), format = "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
OUTPUT_DIR <- file.path(DIR, "output", GENERATION_ID)

7. Call the Function to Generate Images

Finally, we call the generate_images function with the defined parameters and output directory to generate the images.

# Call the function to generate images
Input Image
Figure 1: Input Image
Output Image
Figure 2: Output Image