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Create Target Group

vpclattice_create_target_group R Documentation

Creates a target group


Creates a target group. A target group is a collection of targets, or compute resources, that run your application or service. A target group can only be used by a single service.

For more information, see Target groups in the Amazon VPC Lattice User Guide.


vpclattice_create_target_group(clientToken, config, name, tags, type)



A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If you retry a request that completed successfully using the same client token and parameters, the retry succeeds without performing any actions. If the parameters aren't identical, the retry fails.


The target group configuration.


[required] The name of the target group. The name must be unique within the account. The valid characters are a-z, 0-9, and hyphens (-). You can't use a hyphen as the first or last character, or immediately after another hyphen.


The tags for the target group.


[required] The type of target group.


A list with the following syntax:

  arn = "string",
  config = list(
    healthCheck = list(
      enabled = TRUE|FALSE,
      healthCheckIntervalSeconds = 123,
      healthCheckTimeoutSeconds = 123,
      healthyThresholdCount = 123,
      matcher = list(
        httpCode = "string"
      path = "string",
      port = 123,
      protocol = "HTTP"|"HTTPS"|"TCP",
      protocolVersion = "HTTP1"|"HTTP2",
      unhealthyThresholdCount = 123
    ipAddressType = "IPV4"|"IPV6",
    lambdaEventStructureVersion = "V1"|"V2",
    port = 123,
    protocol = "HTTP"|"HTTPS"|"TCP",
    protocolVersion = "HTTP1"|"HTTP2"|"GRPC",
    vpcIdentifier = "string"
  id = "string",
  name = "string",
  type = "IP"|"LAMBDA"|"INSTANCE"|"ALB"

Request syntax

  clientToken = "string",
  config = list(
    healthCheck = list(
      enabled = TRUE|FALSE,
      healthCheckIntervalSeconds = 123,
      healthCheckTimeoutSeconds = 123,
      healthyThresholdCount = 123,
      matcher = list(
        httpCode = "string"
      path = "string",
      port = 123,
      protocol = "HTTP"|"HTTPS"|"TCP",
      protocolVersion = "HTTP1"|"HTTP2",
      unhealthyThresholdCount = 123
    ipAddressType = "IPV4"|"IPV6",
    lambdaEventStructureVersion = "V1"|"V2",
    port = 123,
    protocol = "HTTP"|"HTTPS"|"TCP",
    protocolVersion = "HTTP1"|"HTTP2"|"GRPC",
    vpcIdentifier = "string"
  name = "string",
  tags = list(
  type = "IP"|"LAMBDA"|"INSTANCE"|"ALB"