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Join Domain

storagegateway_join_domain R Documentation

Adds a file gateway to an Active Directory domain


Adds a file gateway to an Active Directory domain. This operation is only supported for file gateways that support the SMB file protocol.

Joining a domain creates an Active Directory computer account in the default organizational unit, using the gateway's Gateway ID as the account name (for example, SGW-1234ADE). If your Active Directory environment requires that you pre-stage accounts to facilitate the join domain process, you will need to create this account ahead of time.

To create the gateway's computer account in an organizational unit other than the default, you must specify the organizational unit when joining the domain.


storagegateway_join_domain(GatewayARN, DomainName, OrganizationalUnit,
  DomainControllers, TimeoutInSeconds, UserName, Password)



[required] The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the gateway. Use the list_gateways operation to return a list of gateways for your account and Amazon Web Services Region.


[required] The name of the domain that you want the gateway to join.


The organizational unit (OU) is a container in an Active Directory that can hold users, groups, computers, and other OUs and this parameter specifies the OU that the gateway will join within the AD domain.


List of IPv4 addresses, NetBIOS names, or host names of your domain server. If you need to specify the port number include it after the colon (“:”). For example,


Specifies the time in seconds, in which the join_domain operation must complete. The default is 20 seconds.


[required] Sets the user name of user who has permission to add the gateway to the Active Directory domain. The domain user account should be enabled to join computers to the domain. For example, you can use the domain administrator account or an account with delegated permissions to join computers to the domain.


[required] Sets the password of the user who has permission to add the gateway to the Active Directory domain.


A list with the following syntax:

  GatewayARN = "string",

Request syntax

  GatewayARN = "string",
  DomainName = "string",
  OrganizationalUnit = "string",
  DomainControllers = list(
  TimeoutInSeconds = 123,
  UserName = "string",
  Password = "string"