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Describe Bandwidth Rate Limit Schedule

storagegateway_describe_bandwidth_rate_limit_schedule R Documentation

Returns information about the bandwidth rate limit schedule of a gateway


Returns information about the bandwidth rate limit schedule of a gateway. By default, gateways do not have bandwidth rate limit schedules, which means no bandwidth rate limiting is in effect. This operation is supported only for volume, tape and S3 file gateways. FSx file gateways do not support bandwidth rate limits.

This operation returns information about a gateway's bandwidth rate limit schedule. A bandwidth rate limit schedule consists of one or more bandwidth rate limit intervals. A bandwidth rate limit interval defines a period of time on one or more days of the week, during which bandwidth rate limits are specified for uploading, downloading, or both.

A bandwidth rate limit interval consists of one or more days of the week, a start hour and minute, an ending hour and minute, and bandwidth rate limits for uploading and downloading

If no bandwidth rate limit schedule intervals are set for the gateway, this operation returns an empty response. To specify which gateway to describe, use the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the gateway in your request.







A list with the following syntax:

  GatewayARN = "string",
  BandwidthRateLimitIntervals = list(
      StartHourOfDay = 123,
      StartMinuteOfHour = 123,
      EndHourOfDay = 123,
      EndMinuteOfHour = 123,
      DaysOfWeek = list(
      AverageUploadRateLimitInBitsPerSec = 123,
      AverageDownloadRateLimitInBitsPerSec = 123

Request syntax

  GatewayARN = "string"