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Put Resource Policy

ssm_put_resource_policy R Documentation

Creates or updates a Systems Manager resource policy


Creates or updates a Systems Manager resource policy. A resource policy helps you to define the IAM entity (for example, an Amazon Web Services account) that can manage your Systems Manager resources. The following resources support Systems Manager resource policies.

  • OpsItemGroup - The resource policy for OpsItemGroup enables Amazon Web Services accounts to view and interact with OpsCenter operational work items (OpsItems).

  • Parameter - The resource policy is used to share a parameter with other accounts using Resource Access Manager (RAM).

    To share a parameter, it must be in the advanced parameter tier. For information about parameter tiers, see Managing parameter tiers. For information about changing an existing standard parameter to an advanced parameter, see Changing a standard parameter to an advanced parameter.

    To share a SecureString parameter, it must be encrypted with a customer managed key, and you must share the key separately through Key Management Service. Amazon Web Services managed keys cannot be shared. Parameters encrypted with the default Amazon Web Services managed key can be updated to use a customer managed key instead. For KMS key definitions, see KMS concepts in the Key Management Service Developer Guide.

    While you can share a parameter using the Systems Manager put_resource_policy operation, we recommend using Resource Access Manager (RAM) instead. This is because using put_resource_policy requires the extra step of promoting the parameter to a standard RAM Resource Share using the RAM PromoteResourceShareCreatedFromPolicy API operation. Otherwise, the parameter won't be returned by the Systems Manager describe_parameters API operation using the --shared option.

    For more information, see Sharing a parameter in the Amazon Web Services Systems Manager User Guide


ssm_put_resource_policy(ResourceArn, Policy, PolicyId, PolicyHash)



[required] Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource to which you want to attach a policy.


[required] A policy you want to associate with a resource.


The policy ID.


ID of the current policy version. The hash helps to prevent a situation where multiple users attempt to overwrite a policy. You must provide this hash when updating or deleting a policy.


A list with the following syntax:

  PolicyId = "string",
  PolicyHash = "string"

Request syntax

  ResourceArn = "string",
  Policy = "string",
  PolicyId = "string",
  PolicyHash = "string"