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List Resource Data Sync

ssm_list_resource_data_sync R Documentation

Lists your resource data sync configurations


Lists your resource data sync configurations. Includes information about the last time a sync attempted to start, the last sync status, and the last time a sync successfully completed.

The number of sync configurations might be too large to return using a single call to list_resource_data_sync. You can limit the number of sync configurations returned by using the MaxResults parameter. To determine whether there are more sync configurations to list, check the value of NextToken in the output. If there are more sync configurations to list, you can request them by specifying the NextToken returned in the call to the parameter of a subsequent call.


ssm_list_resource_data_sync(SyncType, NextToken, MaxResults)



View a list of resource data syncs according to the sync type. Specify SyncToDestination to view resource data syncs that synchronize data to an Amazon S3 bucket. Specify SyncFromSource to view resource data syncs from Organizations or from multiple Amazon Web Services Regions.


A token to start the list. Use this token to get the next set of results.


The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of results.


A list with the following syntax:

  ResourceDataSyncItems = list(
      SyncName = "string",
      SyncType = "string",
      SyncSource = list(
        SourceType = "string",
        AwsOrganizationsSource = list(
          OrganizationSourceType = "string",
          OrganizationalUnits = list(
              OrganizationalUnitId = "string"
        SourceRegions = list(
        IncludeFutureRegions = TRUE|FALSE,
        State = "string",
        EnableAllOpsDataSources = TRUE|FALSE
      S3Destination = list(
        BucketName = "string",
        Prefix = "string",
        SyncFormat = "JsonSerDe",
        Region = "string",
        AWSKMSKeyARN = "string",
        DestinationDataSharing = list(
          DestinationDataSharingType = "string"
      LastSyncTime = as.POSIXct(
      LastSuccessfulSyncTime = as.POSIXct(
      SyncLastModifiedTime = as.POSIXct(
      LastStatus = "Successful"|"Failed"|"InProgress",
      SyncCreatedTime = as.POSIXct(
      LastSyncStatusMessage = "string"
  NextToken = "string"

Request syntax

  SyncType = "string",
  NextToken = "string",
  MaxResults = 123