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Update Workforce

sagemaker_update_workforce R Documentation

Use this operation to update your workforce


Use this operation to update your workforce. You can use this operation to require that workers use specific IP addresses to work on tasks and to update your OpenID Connect (OIDC) Identity Provider (IdP) workforce configuration.

The worker portal is now supported in VPC and public internet.

Use SourceIpConfig to restrict worker access to tasks to a specific range of IP addresses. You specify allowed IP addresses by creating a list of up to ten CIDRs. By default, a workforce isn't restricted to specific IP addresses. If you specify a range of IP addresses, workers who attempt to access tasks using any IP address outside the specified range are denied and get a ⁠Not Found⁠ error message on the worker portal.

To restrict access to all the workers in public internet, add the SourceIpConfig CIDR value as "".

Amazon SageMaker does not support Source Ip restriction for worker portals in VPC.

Use OidcConfig to update the configuration of a workforce created using your own OIDC IdP.

You can only update your OIDC IdP configuration when there are no work teams associated with your workforce. You can delete work teams using the delete_workteam operation.

After restricting access to a range of IP addresses or updating your OIDC IdP configuration with this operation, you can view details about your update workforce using the describe_workforce operation.

This operation only applies to private workforces.


sagemaker_update_workforce(WorkforceName, SourceIpConfig, OidcConfig,



[required] The name of the private workforce that you want to update. You can find your workforce name by using the list_workforces operation.


A list of one to ten worker IP address ranges (CIDRs) that can be used to access tasks assigned to this workforce.

Maximum: Ten CIDR values


Use this parameter to update your OIDC Identity Provider (IdP) configuration for a workforce made using your own IdP.


Use this parameter to update your VPC configuration for a workforce.


A list with the following syntax:

  Workforce = list(
    WorkforceName = "string",
    WorkforceArn = "string",
    LastUpdatedDate = as.POSIXct(
    SourceIpConfig = list(
      Cidrs = list(
    SubDomain = "string",
    CognitoConfig = list(
      UserPool = "string",
      ClientId = "string"
    OidcConfig = list(
      ClientId = "string",
      Issuer = "string",
      AuthorizationEndpoint = "string",
      TokenEndpoint = "string",
      UserInfoEndpoint = "string",
      LogoutEndpoint = "string",
      JwksUri = "string",
      Scope = "string",
      AuthenticationRequestExtraParams = list(
    CreateDate = as.POSIXct(
    WorkforceVpcConfig = list(
      VpcId = "string",
      SecurityGroupIds = list(
      Subnets = list(
      VpcEndpointId = "string"
    Status = "Initializing"|"Updating"|"Deleting"|"Failed"|"Active",
    FailureReason = "string"

Request syntax

  WorkforceName = "string",
  SourceIpConfig = list(
    Cidrs = list(
  OidcConfig = list(
    ClientId = "string",
    ClientSecret = "string",
    Issuer = "string",
    AuthorizationEndpoint = "string",
    TokenEndpoint = "string",
    UserInfoEndpoint = "string",
    LogoutEndpoint = "string",
    JwksUri = "string",
    Scope = "string",
    AuthenticationRequestExtraParams = list(
  WorkforceVpcConfig = list(
    VpcId = "string",
    SecurityGroupIds = list(
    Subnets = list(