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Put Bucket Lifecycle Configuration

s3_put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration R Documentation

This operation is not supported by directory buckets


This operation is not supported by directory buckets.

Creates a new lifecycle configuration for the bucket or replaces an existing lifecycle configuration. Keep in mind that this will overwrite an existing lifecycle configuration, so if you want to retain any configuration details, they must be included in the new lifecycle configuration. For information about lifecycle configuration, see Managing your storage lifecycle.

Bucket lifecycle configuration now supports specifying a lifecycle rule using an object key name prefix, one or more object tags, object size, or any combination of these. Accordingly, this section describes the latest API. The previous version of the API supported filtering based only on an object key name prefix, which is supported for backward compatibility. For the related API description, see put_bucket_lifecycle.


You specify the lifecycle configuration in your request body. The lifecycle configuration is specified as XML consisting of one or more rules. An Amazon S3 Lifecycle configuration can have up to 1,000 rules. This limit is not adjustable. Each rule consists of the following:

  • A filter identifying a subset of objects to which the rule applies. The filter can be based on a key name prefix, object tags, object size, or any combination of these.

  • A status indicating whether the rule is in effect.

  • One or more lifecycle transition and expiration actions that you want Amazon S3 to perform on the objects identified by the filter. If the state of your bucket is versioning-enabled or versioning-suspended, you can have many versions of the same object (one current version and zero or more noncurrent versions). Amazon S3 provides predefined actions that you can specify for current and noncurrent object versions.

For more information, see Object Lifecycle Management and Lifecycle Configuration Elements.


By default, all Amazon S3 resources are private, including buckets, objects, and related subresources (for example, lifecycle configuration and website configuration). Only the resource owner (that is, the Amazon Web Services account that created it) can access the resource. The resource owner can optionally grant access permissions to others by writing an access policy. For this operation, a user must get the s3:PutLifecycleConfiguration permission.

You can also explicitly deny permissions. An explicit deny also supersedes any other permissions. If you want to block users or accounts from removing or deleting objects from your bucket, you must deny them permissions for the following actions:

  • s3:DeleteObject

  • s3:DeleteObjectVersion

  • s3:PutLifecycleConfiguration

For more information about permissions, see Managing Access Permissions to Your Amazon S3 Resources.

The following operations are related to put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration:


s3_put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration(Bucket, ChecksumAlgorithm,
  LifecycleConfiguration, ExpectedBucketOwner)



[required] The name of the bucket for which to set the configuration.


Indicates the algorithm used to create the checksum for the object when you use the SDK. This header will not provide any additional functionality if you don't use the SDK. When you send this header, there must be a corresponding x-amz-checksum or x-amz-trailer header sent. Otherwise, Amazon S3 fails the request with the HTTP status code ⁠400 Bad Request⁠. For more information, see Checking object integrity in the Amazon S3 User Guide.

If you provide an individual checksum, Amazon S3 ignores any provided ChecksumAlgorithm parameter.


Container for lifecycle rules. You can add as many as 1,000 rules.


The account ID of the expected bucket owner. If the account ID that you provide does not match the actual owner of the bucket, the request fails with the HTTP status code ⁠403 Forbidden⁠ (access denied).


An empty list.

Request syntax

  Bucket = "string",
  ChecksumAlgorithm = "CRC32"|"CRC32C"|"SHA1"|"SHA256",
  LifecycleConfiguration = list(
    Rules = list(
        Expiration = list(
          Date = as.POSIXct(
          Days = 123,
          ExpiredObjectDeleteMarker = TRUE|FALSE
        ID = "string",
        Prefix = "string",
        Filter = list(
          Prefix = "string",
          Tag = list(
            Key = "string",
            Value = "string"
          ObjectSizeGreaterThan = 123,
          ObjectSizeLessThan = 123,
          And = list(
            Prefix = "string",
            Tags = list(
                Key = "string",
                Value = "string"
            ObjectSizeGreaterThan = 123,
            ObjectSizeLessThan = 123
        Status = "Enabled"|"Disabled",
        Transitions = list(
            Date = as.POSIXct(
            Days = 123,
        NoncurrentVersionTransitions = list(
            NoncurrentDays = 123,
            NewerNoncurrentVersions = 123
        NoncurrentVersionExpiration = list(
          NoncurrentDays = 123,
          NewerNoncurrentVersions = 123
        AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload = list(
          DaysAfterInitiation = 123
  ExpectedBucketOwner = "string"


## Not run: 
# The following example replaces existing lifecycle configuration, if any,
# on the specified bucket.
  Bucket = "examplebucket",
  LifecycleConfiguration = list(
    Rules = list(
        Expiration = list(
          Days = 3650L
        Filter = list(
          Prefix = "documents/"
        ID = "TestOnly",
        Status = "Enabled",
        Transitions = list(
            Days = 365L,
            StorageClass = "GLACIER"

## End(Not run)