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Delete Firewall Rule

route53resolver_delete_firewall_rule R Documentation

Deletes the specified firewall rule


Deletes the specified firewall rule.


  FirewallDomainListId, Qtype)



[required] The unique identifier of the firewall rule group that you want to delete the rule from.


[required] The ID of the domain list that's used in the rule.


The DNS query type that the rule you are deleting evaluates. Allowed values are;

  • A: Returns an IPv4 address.

  • AAAA: Returns an Ipv6 address.

  • CAA: Restricts CAs that can create SSL/TLS certifications for the domain.

  • CNAME: Returns another domain name.

  • DS: Record that identifies the DNSSEC signing key of a delegated zone.

  • MX: Specifies mail servers.

  • NAPTR: Regular-expression-based rewriting of domain names.

  • NS: Authoritative name servers.

  • PTR: Maps an IP address to a domain name.

  • SOA: Start of authority record for the zone.

  • SPF: Lists the servers authorized to send emails from a domain.

  • SRV: Application specific values that identify servers.

  • TXT: Verifies email senders and application-specific values.

  • A query type you define by using the DNS type ID, for example 28 for AAAA. The values must be defined as TYPENUMBER, where the NUMBER can be 1-65334, for example, TYPE28. For more information, see List of DNS record types.


A list with the following syntax:

  FirewallRule = list(
    FirewallRuleGroupId = "string",
    FirewallDomainListId = "string",
    Name = "string",
    Priority = 123,
    Action = "ALLOW"|"BLOCK"|"ALERT",
    BlockResponse = "NODATA"|"NXDOMAIN"|"OVERRIDE",
    BlockOverrideDomain = "string",
    BlockOverrideDnsType = "CNAME",
    BlockOverrideTtl = 123,
    CreatorRequestId = "string",
    CreationTime = "string",
    ModificationTime = "string",
    Qtype = "string"

Request syntax

  FirewallRuleGroupId = "string",
  FirewallDomainListId = "string",
  Qtype = "string"