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Distribute Dataset Entries

rekognition_distribute_dataset_entries R Documentation

This operation applies only to Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels


This operation applies only to Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels.

Distributes the entries (images) in a training dataset across the training dataset and the test dataset for a project. distribute_dataset_entries moves 20% of the training dataset images to the test dataset. An entry is a JSON Line that describes an image.

You supply the Amazon Resource Names (ARN) of a project's training dataset and test dataset. The training dataset must contain the images that you want to split. The test dataset must be empty. The datasets must belong to the same project. To create training and test datasets for a project, call create_dataset.

Distributing a dataset takes a while to complete. To check the status call describe_dataset. The operation is complete when the Status field for the training dataset and the test dataset is UPDATE_COMPLETE. If the dataset split fails, the value of Status is UPDATE_FAILED.

This operation requires permissions to perform the rekognition:DistributeDatasetEntries action.





[required] The ARNS for the training dataset and test dataset that you want to use. The datasets must belong to the same project. The test dataset must be empty.


An empty list.

Request syntax

  Datasets = list(
      Arn = "string"