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Send Command

qldbsession_send_command R Documentation

Sends a command to an Amazon QLDB ledger


Sends a command to an Amazon QLDB ledger.

Instead of interacting directly with this API, we recommend using the QLDB driver or the QLDB shell to execute data transactions on a ledger.

  • If you are working with an AWS SDK, use the QLDB driver. The driver provides a high-level abstraction layer above this QLDB Session data plane and manages send_command API calls for you. For information and a list of supported programming languages, see Getting started with the driver in the Amazon QLDB Developer Guide.

  • If you are working with the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), use the QLDB shell. The shell is a command line interface that uses the QLDB driver to interact with a ledger. For information, see Accessing Amazon QLDB using the QLDB shell.


qldbsession_send_command(SessionToken, StartSession, StartTransaction,
  EndSession, CommitTransaction, AbortTransaction, ExecuteStatement,



Specifies the session token for the current command. A session token is constant throughout the life of the session.

To obtain a session token, run the StartSession command. This SessionToken is required for every subsequent command that is issued during the current session.


Command to start a new session. A session token is obtained as part of the response.


Command to start a new transaction.


Command to end the current session.


Command to commit the specified transaction.


Command to abort the current transaction.


Command to execute a statement in the specified transaction.


Command to fetch a page.


A list with the following syntax:

  StartSession = list(
    SessionToken = "string",
    TimingInformation = list(
      ProcessingTimeMilliseconds = 123
  StartTransaction = list(
    TransactionId = "string",
    TimingInformation = list(
      ProcessingTimeMilliseconds = 123
  EndSession = list(
    TimingInformation = list(
      ProcessingTimeMilliseconds = 123
  CommitTransaction = list(
    TransactionId = "string",
    CommitDigest = raw,
    TimingInformation = list(
      ProcessingTimeMilliseconds = 123
    ConsumedIOs = list(
      ReadIOs = 123,
      WriteIOs = 123
  AbortTransaction = list(
    TimingInformation = list(
      ProcessingTimeMilliseconds = 123
  ExecuteStatement = list(
    FirstPage = list(
      Values = list(
          IonBinary = raw,
          IonText = "string"
      NextPageToken = "string"
    TimingInformation = list(
      ProcessingTimeMilliseconds = 123
    ConsumedIOs = list(
      ReadIOs = 123,
      WriteIOs = 123
  FetchPage = list(
    Page = list(
      Values = list(
          IonBinary = raw,
          IonText = "string"
      NextPageToken = "string"
    TimingInformation = list(
      ProcessingTimeMilliseconds = 123
    ConsumedIOs = list(
      ReadIOs = 123,
      WriteIOs = 123

Request syntax

  SessionToken = "string",
  StartSession = list(
    LedgerName = "string"
  StartTransaction = list(),
  EndSession = list(),
  CommitTransaction = list(
    TransactionId = "string",
    CommitDigest = raw
  AbortTransaction = list(),
  ExecuteStatement = list(
    TransactionId = "string",
    Statement = "string",
    Parameters = list(
        IonBinary = raw,
        IonText = "string"
  FetchPage = list(
    TransactionId = "string",
    NextPageToken = "string"