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Start Conversation

lexruntimev2_start_conversation R Documentation

Starts an HTTP/2 bidirectional event stream that enables you to send audio, text, or DTMF input in real time


Starts an HTTP/2 bidirectional event stream that enables you to send audio, text, or DTMF input in real time. After your application starts a conversation, users send input to Amazon Lex V2 as a stream of events. Amazon Lex V2 processes the incoming events and responds with streaming text or audio events.

Audio input must be in the following format: ⁠audio/lpcm sample-rate=8000 sample-size-bits=16 channel-count=1; is-big-endian=false⁠.

If the optional post-fulfillment response is specified, the messages are returned as follows. For more information, see PostFulfillmentStatusSpecification.

  • Success message - Returned if the Lambda function completes successfully and the intent state is fulfilled or ready fulfillment if the message is present.

  • Failed message - The failed message is returned if the Lambda function throws an exception or if the Lambda function returns a failed intent state without a message.

  • Timeout message - If you don't configure a timeout message and a timeout, and the Lambda function doesn't return within 30 seconds, the timeout message is returned. If you configure a timeout, the timeout message is returned when the period times out.

For more information, see Completion message.

If the optional update message is configured, it is played at the specified frequency while the Lambda function is running and the update message state is active. If the fulfillment update message is not active, the Lambda function runs with a 30 second timeout.

For more information, see Update message

The start_conversation operation is supported only in the following SDKs:


lexruntimev2_start_conversation(botId, botAliasId, localeId, sessionId,
  conversationMode, requestEventStream)



[required] The identifier of the bot to process the request.


[required] The alias identifier in use for the bot that processes the request.


[required] The locale where the session is in use.


[required] The identifier of the user session that is having the conversation.


The conversation type that you are using the Amazon Lex V2. If the conversation mode is AUDIO you can send both audio and DTMF information. If the mode is TEXT you can only send text.


[required] Represents the stream of events to Amazon Lex V2 from your application. The events are encoded as HTTP/2 data frames.


A list with the following syntax:

  responseEventStream = list(
    PlaybackInterruptionEvent = list(
      causedByEventId = "string",
      eventId = "string"
    TranscriptEvent = list(
      transcript = "string",
      eventId = "string"
    IntentResultEvent = list(
      inputMode = "Text"|"Speech"|"DTMF",
      interpretations = list(
          nluConfidence = list(
            score = 123.0
          sentimentResponse = list(
            sentiment = "MIXED"|"NEGATIVE"|"NEUTRAL"|"POSITIVE",
            sentimentScore = list(
              positive = 123.0,
              negative = 123.0,
              neutral = 123.0,
              mixed = 123.0
          intent = list(
            name = "string",
            slots = list(
                value = list(
                  originalValue = "string",
                  interpretedValue = "string",
                  resolvedValues = list(
                shape = "Scalar"|"List"|"Composite",
                values = list(
                subSlots = list()
            state = "Failed"|"Fulfilled"|"InProgress"|"ReadyForFulfillment"|"Waiting"|"FulfillmentInProgress",
            confirmationState = "Confirmed"|"Denied"|"None"
          interpretationSource = "Bedrock"|"Lex"
      sessionState = list(
        dialogAction = list(
          type = "Close"|"ConfirmIntent"|"Delegate"|"ElicitIntent"|"ElicitSlot"|"None",
          slotToElicit = "string",
          slotElicitationStyle = "Default"|"SpellByLetter"|"SpellByWord",
          subSlotToElicit = list(
            name = "string",
            subSlotToElicit = list()
        intent = list(
          name = "string",
          slots = list(
              value = list(
                originalValue = "string",
                interpretedValue = "string",
                resolvedValues = list(
              shape = "Scalar"|"List"|"Composite",
              values = list(
              subSlots = list()
          state = "Failed"|"Fulfilled"|"InProgress"|"ReadyForFulfillment"|"Waiting"|"FulfillmentInProgress",
          confirmationState = "Confirmed"|"Denied"|"None"
        activeContexts = list(
            name = "string",
            timeToLive = list(
              timeToLiveInSeconds = 123,
              turnsToLive = 123
            contextAttributes = list(
        sessionAttributes = list(
        originatingRequestId = "string",
        runtimeHints = list(
          slotHints = list(
                runtimeHintValues = list(
                    phrase = "string"
                subSlotHints = list()
      requestAttributes = list(
      sessionId = "string",
      eventId = "string",
      recognizedBotMember = list(
        botId = "string",
        botName = "string"
    TextResponseEvent = list(
      messages = list(
          content = "string",
          contentType = "CustomPayload"|"ImageResponseCard"|"PlainText"|"SSML",
          imageResponseCard = list(
            title = "string",
            subtitle = "string",
            imageUrl = "string",
            buttons = list(
                text = "string",
                value = "string"
      eventId = "string"
    AudioResponseEvent = list(
      audioChunk = raw,
      contentType = "string",
      eventId = "string"
    HeartbeatEvent = list(
      eventId = "string"
    AccessDeniedException = list(
      message = "string"
    ResourceNotFoundException = list(
      message = "string"
    ValidationException = list(
      message = "string"
    ThrottlingException = list(
      message = "string"
    InternalServerException = list(
      message = "string"
    ConflictException = list(
      message = "string"
    DependencyFailedException = list(
      message = "string"
    BadGatewayException = list(
      message = "string"

Request syntax

  botId = "string",
  botAliasId = "string",
  localeId = "string",
  sessionId = "string",
  conversationMode = "AUDIO"|"TEXT",
  requestEventStream = list(
    ConfigurationEvent = list(
      requestAttributes = list(
      responseContentType = "string",
      sessionState = list(
        dialogAction = list(
          type = "Close"|"ConfirmIntent"|"Delegate"|"ElicitIntent"|"ElicitSlot"|"None",
          slotToElicit = "string",
          slotElicitationStyle = "Default"|"SpellByLetter"|"SpellByWord",
          subSlotToElicit = list(
            name = "string",
            subSlotToElicit = list()
        intent = list(
          name = "string",
          slots = list(
              value = list(
                originalValue = "string",
                interpretedValue = "string",
                resolvedValues = list(
              shape = "Scalar"|"List"|"Composite",
              values = list(
              subSlots = list()
          state = "Failed"|"Fulfilled"|"InProgress"|"ReadyForFulfillment"|"Waiting"|"FulfillmentInProgress",
          confirmationState = "Confirmed"|"Denied"|"None"
        activeContexts = list(
            name = "string",
            timeToLive = list(
              timeToLiveInSeconds = 123,
              turnsToLive = 123
            contextAttributes = list(
        sessionAttributes = list(
        originatingRequestId = "string",
        runtimeHints = list(
          slotHints = list(
                runtimeHintValues = list(
                    phrase = "string"
                subSlotHints = list()
      welcomeMessages = list(
          content = "string",
          contentType = "CustomPayload"|"ImageResponseCard"|"PlainText"|"SSML",
          imageResponseCard = list(
            title = "string",
            subtitle = "string",
            imageUrl = "string",
            buttons = list(
                text = "string",
                value = "string"
      disablePlayback = TRUE|FALSE,
      eventId = "string",
      clientTimestampMillis = 123
    AudioInputEvent = list(
      audioChunk = raw,
      contentType = "string",
      eventId = "string",
      clientTimestampMillis = 123
    DTMFInputEvent = list(
      inputCharacter = "string",
      eventId = "string",
      clientTimestampMillis = 123
    TextInputEvent = list(
      text = "string",
      eventId = "string",
      clientTimestampMillis = 123
    PlaybackCompletionEvent = list(
      eventId = "string",
      clientTimestampMillis = 123
    DisconnectionEvent = list(
      eventId = "string",
      clientTimestampMillis = 123