Get Function
lambda_get_function | R Documentation |
Returns information about the function or function version, with a link to download the deployment package that's valid for 10 minutes¶
Returns information about the function or function version, with a link to download the deployment package that's valid for 10 minutes. If you specify a function version, only details that are specific to that version are returned.
[required] The name or ARN of the Lambda function, version, or alias.
Name formats
Function name –
(with alias).Function ARN –
.Partial ARN –
You can append a version number or alias to any of the formats. The length constraint applies only to the full ARN. If you specify only the function name, it is limited to 64 characters in length.
Specify a version or alias to get details about a published version of the function.
A list with the following syntax:
Configuration = list(
FunctionName = "string",
FunctionArn = "string",
Runtime = "nodejs"|"nodejs4.3"|"nodejs6.10"|"nodejs8.10"|"nodejs10.x"|"nodejs12.x"|"nodejs14.x"|"nodejs16.x"|"java8"|"java8.al2"|"java11"|"python2.7"|"python3.6"|"python3.7"|"python3.8"|"python3.9"|"dotnetcore1.0"|"dotnetcore2.0"|"dotnetcore2.1"|"dotnetcore3.1"|"dotnet6"|"dotnet8"|"nodejs4.3-edge"|"go1.x"|"ruby2.5"|"ruby2.7"|"provided"|"provided.al2"|"nodejs18.x"|"python3.10"|"java17"|"ruby3.2"|"ruby3.3"|"python3.11"|"nodejs20.x"|"provided.al2023"|"python3.12"|"java21"|"python3.13"|"nodejs22.x",
Role = "string",
Handler = "string",
CodeSize = 123,
Description = "string",
Timeout = 123,
MemorySize = 123,
LastModified = "string",
CodeSha256 = "string",
Version = "string",
VpcConfig = list(
SubnetIds = list(
SecurityGroupIds = list(
VpcId = "string",
Ipv6AllowedForDualStack = TRUE|FALSE
DeadLetterConfig = list(
TargetArn = "string"
Environment = list(
Variables = list(
Error = list(
ErrorCode = "string",
Message = "string"
KMSKeyArn = "string",
TracingConfig = list(
Mode = "Active"|"PassThrough"
MasterArn = "string",
RevisionId = "string",
Layers = list(
Arn = "string",
CodeSize = 123,
SigningProfileVersionArn = "string",
SigningJobArn = "string"
State = "Pending"|"Active"|"Inactive"|"Failed",
StateReason = "string",
StateReasonCode = "Idle"|"Creating"|"Restoring"|"EniLimitExceeded"|"InsufficientRolePermissions"|"InvalidConfiguration"|"InternalError"|"SubnetOutOfIPAddresses"|"InvalidSubnet"|"InvalidSecurityGroup"|"ImageDeleted"|"ImageAccessDenied"|"InvalidImage"|"KMSKeyAccessDenied"|"KMSKeyNotFound"|"InvalidStateKMSKey"|"DisabledKMSKey"|"EFSIOError"|"EFSMountConnectivityError"|"EFSMountFailure"|"EFSMountTimeout"|"InvalidRuntime"|"InvalidZipFileException"|"FunctionError",
LastUpdateStatus = "Successful"|"Failed"|"InProgress",
LastUpdateStatusReason = "string",
LastUpdateStatusReasonCode = "EniLimitExceeded"|"InsufficientRolePermissions"|"InvalidConfiguration"|"InternalError"|"SubnetOutOfIPAddresses"|"InvalidSubnet"|"InvalidSecurityGroup"|"ImageDeleted"|"ImageAccessDenied"|"InvalidImage"|"KMSKeyAccessDenied"|"KMSKeyNotFound"|"InvalidStateKMSKey"|"DisabledKMSKey"|"EFSIOError"|"EFSMountConnectivityError"|"EFSMountFailure"|"EFSMountTimeout"|"InvalidRuntime"|"InvalidZipFileException"|"FunctionError",
FileSystemConfigs = list(
Arn = "string",
LocalMountPath = "string"
PackageType = "Zip"|"Image",
ImageConfigResponse = list(
ImageConfig = list(
EntryPoint = list(
Command = list(
WorkingDirectory = "string"
Error = list(
ErrorCode = "string",
Message = "string"
SigningProfileVersionArn = "string",
SigningJobArn = "string",
Architectures = list(
EphemeralStorage = list(
Size = 123
SnapStart = list(
ApplyOn = "PublishedVersions"|"None",
OptimizationStatus = "On"|"Off"
RuntimeVersionConfig = list(
RuntimeVersionArn = "string",
Error = list(
ErrorCode = "string",
Message = "string"
LoggingConfig = list(
LogFormat = "JSON"|"Text",
ApplicationLogLevel = "TRACE"|"DEBUG"|"INFO"|"WARN"|"ERROR"|"FATAL",
SystemLogLevel = "DEBUG"|"INFO"|"WARN",
LogGroup = "string"
Code = list(
RepositoryType = "string",
Location = "string",
ImageUri = "string",
ResolvedImageUri = "string",
SourceKMSKeyArn = "string"
Tags = list(
TagsError = list(
ErrorCode = "string",
Message = "string"
Concurrency = list(
ReservedConcurrentExecutions = 123