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Delete Cache Cluster

elasticache_delete_cache_cluster R Documentation

Deletes a previously provisioned cluster


Deletes a previously provisioned cluster. delete_cache_cluster deletes all associated cache nodes, node endpoints and the cluster itself. When you receive a successful response from this operation, Amazon ElastiCache immediately begins deleting the cluster; you cannot cancel or revert this operation.

This operation is not valid for:

  • Redis OSS (cluster mode enabled) clusters

  • Redis OSS (cluster mode disabled) clusters

  • A cluster that is the last read replica of a replication group

  • A cluster that is the primary node of a replication group

  • A node group (shard) that has Multi-AZ mode enabled

  • A cluster from a Redis OSS (cluster mode enabled) replication group

  • A cluster that is not in the available state





[required] The cluster identifier for the cluster to be deleted. This parameter is not case sensitive.


The user-supplied name of a final cluster snapshot. This is the unique name that identifies the snapshot. ElastiCache creates the snapshot, and then deletes the cluster immediately afterward.


A list with the following syntax:

  CacheCluster = list(
    CacheClusterId = "string",
    ConfigurationEndpoint = list(
      Address = "string",
      Port = 123
    ClientDownloadLandingPage = "string",
    CacheNodeType = "string",
    Engine = "string",
    EngineVersion = "string",
    CacheClusterStatus = "string",
    NumCacheNodes = 123,
    PreferredAvailabilityZone = "string",
    PreferredOutpostArn = "string",
    CacheClusterCreateTime = as.POSIXct(
    PreferredMaintenanceWindow = "string",
    PendingModifiedValues = list(
      NumCacheNodes = 123,
      CacheNodeIdsToRemove = list(
      EngineVersion = "string",
      CacheNodeType = "string",
      AuthTokenStatus = "SETTING"|"ROTATING",
      LogDeliveryConfigurations = list(
          LogType = "slow-log"|"engine-log",
          DestinationType = "cloudwatch-logs"|"kinesis-firehose",
          DestinationDetails = list(
            CloudWatchLogsDetails = list(
              LogGroup = "string"
            KinesisFirehoseDetails = list(
              DeliveryStream = "string"
          LogFormat = "text"|"json"
      TransitEncryptionEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
      TransitEncryptionMode = "preferred"|"required"
    NotificationConfiguration = list(
      TopicArn = "string",
      TopicStatus = "string"
    CacheSecurityGroups = list(
        CacheSecurityGroupName = "string",
        Status = "string"
    CacheParameterGroup = list(
      CacheParameterGroupName = "string",
      ParameterApplyStatus = "string",
      CacheNodeIdsToReboot = list(
    CacheSubnetGroupName = "string",
    CacheNodes = list(
        CacheNodeId = "string",
        CacheNodeStatus = "string",
        CacheNodeCreateTime = as.POSIXct(
        Endpoint = list(
          Address = "string",
          Port = 123
        ParameterGroupStatus = "string",
        SourceCacheNodeId = "string",
        CustomerAvailabilityZone = "string",
        CustomerOutpostArn = "string"
    AutoMinorVersionUpgrade = TRUE|FALSE,
    SecurityGroups = list(
        SecurityGroupId = "string",
        Status = "string"
    ReplicationGroupId = "string",
    SnapshotRetentionLimit = 123,
    SnapshotWindow = "string",
    AuthTokenEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
    AuthTokenLastModifiedDate = as.POSIXct(
    TransitEncryptionEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
    AtRestEncryptionEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
    ARN = "string",
    ReplicationGroupLogDeliveryEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
    LogDeliveryConfigurations = list(
        LogType = "slow-log"|"engine-log",
        DestinationType = "cloudwatch-logs"|"kinesis-firehose",
        DestinationDetails = list(
          CloudWatchLogsDetails = list(
            LogGroup = "string"
          KinesisFirehoseDetails = list(
            DeliveryStream = "string"
        LogFormat = "text"|"json",
        Status = "active"|"enabling"|"modifying"|"disabling"|"error",
        Message = "string"
    NetworkType = "ipv4"|"ipv6"|"dual_stack",
    IpDiscovery = "ipv4"|"ipv6",
    TransitEncryptionMode = "preferred"|"required"

Request syntax

  CacheClusterId = "string",
  FinalSnapshotIdentifier = "string"