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Modify Vpc Peering Connection Options

ec2_modify_vpc_peering_connection_options R Documentation

Modifies the VPC peering connection options on one side of a VPC peering connection


Modifies the VPC peering connection options on one side of a VPC peering connection.

If the peered VPCs are in the same Amazon Web Services account, you can enable DNS resolution for queries from the local VPC. This ensures that queries from the local VPC resolve to private IP addresses in the peer VPC. This option is not available if the peered VPCs are in different Amazon Web Services accounts or different Regions. For peered VPCs in different Amazon Web Services accounts, each Amazon Web Services account owner must initiate a separate request to modify the peering connection options. For inter-region peering connections, you must use the Region for the requester VPC to modify the requester VPC peering options and the Region for the accepter VPC to modify the accepter VPC peering options. To verify which VPCs are the accepter and the requester for a VPC peering connection, use the describe_vpc_peering_connections command.


  AccepterPeeringConnectionOptions, DryRun,
  RequesterPeeringConnectionOptions, VpcPeeringConnectionId)



The VPC peering connection options for the accepter VPC.


Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation.


The VPC peering connection options for the requester VPC.


[required] The ID of the VPC peering connection.


A list with the following syntax:

  AccepterPeeringConnectionOptions = list(
    AllowDnsResolutionFromRemoteVpc = TRUE|FALSE,
    AllowEgressFromLocalClassicLinkToRemoteVpc = TRUE|FALSE,
    AllowEgressFromLocalVpcToRemoteClassicLink = TRUE|FALSE
  RequesterPeeringConnectionOptions = list(
    AllowDnsResolutionFromRemoteVpc = TRUE|FALSE,
    AllowEgressFromLocalClassicLinkToRemoteVpc = TRUE|FALSE,
    AllowEgressFromLocalVpcToRemoteClassicLink = TRUE|FALSE

Request syntax

  AccepterPeeringConnectionOptions = list(
    AllowDnsResolutionFromRemoteVpc = TRUE|FALSE,
    AllowEgressFromLocalClassicLinkToRemoteVpc = TRUE|FALSE,
    AllowEgressFromLocalVpcToRemoteClassicLink = TRUE|FALSE
  DryRun = TRUE|FALSE,
  RequesterPeeringConnectionOptions = list(
    AllowDnsResolutionFromRemoteVpc = TRUE|FALSE,
    AllowEgressFromLocalClassicLinkToRemoteVpc = TRUE|FALSE,
    AllowEgressFromLocalVpcToRemoteClassicLink = TRUE|FALSE
  VpcPeeringConnectionId = "string"