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Modify Instance Event Window

ec2_modify_instance_event_window R Documentation

Modifies the specified event window


Modifies the specified event window.

You can define either a set of time ranges or a cron expression when modifying the event window, but not both.

To modify the targets associated with the event window, use the associate_instance_event_window and disassociate_instance_event_window API.

If Amazon Web Services has already scheduled an event, modifying an event window won't change the time of the scheduled event.

For more information, see Define event windows for scheduled events in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.


ec2_modify_instance_event_window(DryRun, Name, InstanceEventWindowId,
  TimeRanges, CronExpression)



Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation.


The name of the event window.


[required] The ID of the event window.


The time ranges of the event window.


The cron expression of the event window, for example, ⁠* 0-4,20-23 * * 1,5⁠.


  • Only hour and day of the week values are supported.

  • For day of the week values, you can specify either integers 0 through 6, or alternative single values SUN through SAT.

  • The minute, month, and year must be specified by *.

  • The hour value must be one or a multiple range, for example, 0-4 or ⁠0-4,20-23⁠.

  • Each hour range must be \>= 2 hours, for example, 0-2 or 20-23.

  • The event window must be \>= 4 hours. The combined total time ranges in the event window must be \>= 4 hours.

For more information about cron expressions, see cron on the Wikipedia website.


A list with the following syntax:

  InstanceEventWindow = list(
    InstanceEventWindowId = "string",
    TimeRanges = list(
        StartWeekDay = "sunday"|"monday"|"tuesday"|"wednesday"|"thursday"|"friday"|"saturday",
        StartHour = 123,
        EndWeekDay = "sunday"|"monday"|"tuesday"|"wednesday"|"thursday"|"friday"|"saturday",
        EndHour = 123
    Name = "string",
    CronExpression = "string",
    AssociationTarget = list(
      InstanceIds = list(
      Tags = list(
          Key = "string",
          Value = "string"
      DedicatedHostIds = list(
    State = "creating"|"deleting"|"active"|"deleted",
    Tags = list(
        Key = "string",
        Value = "string"

Request syntax

  DryRun = TRUE|FALSE,
  Name = "string",
  InstanceEventWindowId = "string",
  TimeRanges = list(
      StartWeekDay = "sunday"|"monday"|"tuesday"|"wednesday"|"thursday"|"friday"|"saturday",
      StartHour = 123,
      EndWeekDay = "sunday"|"monday"|"tuesday"|"wednesday"|"thursday"|"friday"|"saturday",
      EndHour = 123
  CronExpression = "string"