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Describe Resource Collection Health

devopsguru_describe_resource_collection_health R Documentation

Returns the number of open proactive insights, open reactive insights, and the Mean Time to Recover (MTTR) for all closed insights in resource collections in your account


Returns the number of open proactive insights, open reactive insights, and the Mean Time to Recover (MTTR) for all closed insights in resource collections in your account. You specify the type of Amazon Web Services resources collection. The two types of Amazon Web Services resource collections supported are Amazon Web Services CloudFormation stacks and Amazon Web Services resources that contain the same Amazon Web Services tag. DevOps Guru can be configured to analyze the Amazon Web Services resources that are defined in the stacks or that are tagged using the same tag key. You can specify up to 500 Amazon Web Services CloudFormation stacks.





[required] An Amazon Web Services resource collection type. This type specifies how analyzed Amazon Web Services resources are defined. The two types of Amazon Web Services resource collections supported are Amazon Web Services CloudFormation stacks and Amazon Web Services resources that contain the same Amazon Web Services tag. DevOps Guru can be configured to analyze the Amazon Web Services resources that are defined in the stacks or that are tagged using the same tag key. You can specify up to 500 Amazon Web Services CloudFormation stacks.


The pagination token to use to retrieve the next page of results for this operation. If this value is null, it retrieves the first page.


A list with the following syntax:

  CloudFormation = list(
      StackName = "string",
      Insight = list(
        OpenProactiveInsights = 123,
        OpenReactiveInsights = 123,
        MeanTimeToRecoverInMilliseconds = 123
      AnalyzedResourceCount = 123
  Service = list(
      Insight = list(
        OpenProactiveInsights = 123,
        OpenReactiveInsights = 123
      AnalyzedResourceCount = 123
  NextToken = "string",
  Tags = list(
      AppBoundaryKey = "string",
      TagValue = "string",
      Insight = list(
        OpenProactiveInsights = 123,
        OpenReactiveInsights = 123,
        MeanTimeToRecoverInMilliseconds = 123
      AnalyzedResourceCount = 123

Request syntax

  ResourceCollectionType = "AWS_CLOUD_FORMATION"|"AWS_SERVICE"|"AWS_TAGS",
  NextToken = "string"