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Send Chat Integration Event

connect_send_chat_integration_event R Documentation

Processes chat integration events from Amazon Web Services or external integrations to Amazon Connect


Processes chat integration events from Amazon Web Services or external integrations to Amazon Connect. A chat integration event includes:

  • SourceId, DestinationId, and Subtype: a set of identifiers, uniquely representing a chat

  • ChatEvent: details of the chat action to perform such as sending a message, event, or disconnecting from a chat

When a chat integration event is sent with chat identifiers that do not map to an active chat contact, a new chat contact is also created before handling chat action.

Access to this API is currently restricted to Amazon Pinpoint for supporting SMS integration.


connect_send_chat_integration_event(SourceId, DestinationId, Subtype,
  Event, NewSessionDetails)



[required] External identifier of chat customer participant, used in part to uniquely identify a chat. For SMS, this is the E164 phone number of the chat customer participant.


[required] Chat system identifier, used in part to uniquely identify chat. This is associated with the Amazon Connect instance and flow to be used to start chats. For SMS, this is the phone number destination of inbound SMS messages represented by an Amazon Pinpoint phone number ARN.


Classification of a channel. This is used in part to uniquely identify chat.

Valid value: ⁠["connect:sms"]⁠


[required] Chat integration event payload


Contact properties to apply when starting a new chat. If the integration event is handled with an existing chat, this is ignored.


A list with the following syntax:

  InitialContactId = "string",
  NewChatCreated = TRUE|FALSE

Request syntax

  SourceId = "string",
  DestinationId = "string",
  Subtype = "string",
  Event = list(
    ContentType = "string",
    Content = "string"
  NewSessionDetails = list(
    SupportedMessagingContentTypes = list(
    ParticipantDetails = list(
      DisplayName = "string"
    Attributes = list(
    StreamingConfiguration = list(
      StreamingEndpointArn = "string"