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Put Delivery Channel

configservice_put_delivery_channel R Documentation

Creates a delivery channel object to deliver configuration information and other compliance information to an Amazon S3 bucket and Amazon SNS topic


Creates a delivery channel object to deliver configuration information and other compliance information to an Amazon S3 bucket and Amazon SNS topic. For more information, see Notifications that Config Sends to an Amazon SNS topic.

Before you can create a delivery channel, you must create a configuration recorder.

You can use this action to change the Amazon S3 bucket or an Amazon SNS topic of the existing delivery channel. To change the Amazon S3 bucket or an Amazon SNS topic, call this action and specify the changed values for the S3 bucket and the SNS topic. If you specify a different value for either the S3 bucket or the SNS topic, this action will keep the existing value for the parameter that is not changed.

You can have only one delivery channel per region in your account.





[required] The configuration delivery channel object that delivers the configuration information to an Amazon S3 bucket and to an Amazon SNS topic.


An empty list.

Request syntax

  DeliveryChannel = list(
    name = "string",
    s3BucketName = "string",
    s3KeyPrefix = "string",
    s3KmsKeyArn = "string",
    snsTopicARN = "string",
    configSnapshotDeliveryProperties = list(
      deliveryFrequency = "One_Hour"|"Three_Hours"|"Six_Hours"|"Twelve_Hours"|"TwentyFour_Hours"