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Update Link

cloudwatchobservabilityaccessmanager_update_link R Documentation

Use this operation to change what types of data are shared from a source account to its linked monitoring account sink


Use this operation to change what types of data are shared from a source account to its linked monitoring account sink. You can't change the sink or change the monitoring account with this operation.

When you update a link, you can optionally specify filters that specify which metric namespaces and which log groups are shared from the source account to the monitoring account.

To update the list of tags associated with the sink, use tag_resource.


  LinkConfiguration, ResourceTypes)



[required] The ARN of the link that you want to update.


Use this structure to filter which metric namespaces and which log groups are to be shared from the source account to the monitoring account.


[required] An array of strings that define which types of data that the source account will send to the monitoring account.

Your input here replaces the current set of data types that are shared.


A list with the following syntax:

  Arn = "string",
  Id = "string",
  Label = "string",
  LabelTemplate = "string",
  LinkConfiguration = list(
    LogGroupConfiguration = list(
      Filter = "string"
    MetricConfiguration = list(
      Filter = "string"
  ResourceTypes = list(
  SinkArn = "string",
  Tags = list(

Request syntax

  Identifier = "string",
  LinkConfiguration = list(
    LogGroupConfiguration = list(
      Filter = "string"
    MetricConfiguration = list(
      Filter = "string"
  ResourceTypes = list(