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Update Project

cloudwatchevidently_update_project R Documentation

Updates the description of an existing project


Updates the description of an existing project.

To create a new project, use create_project.

Don't use this operation to update the data storage options of a project. Instead, use update_project_data_delivery.

Don't use this operation to update the tags of a project. Instead, use tag_resource.


cloudwatchevidently_update_project(appConfigResource, description,



Use this parameter if the project will use client-side evaluation powered by AppConfig. Client-side evaluation allows your application to assign variations to user sessions locally instead of by calling the evaluate_feature operation. This mitigates the latency and availability risks that come with an API call. allows you to

This parameter is a structure that contains information about the AppConfig application that will be used for client-side evaluation.


An optional description of the project.


[required] The name or ARN of the project to update.


A list with the following syntax:

  project = list(
    activeExperimentCount = 123,
    activeLaunchCount = 123,
    appConfigResource = list(
      applicationId = "string",
      configurationProfileId = "string",
      environmentId = "string"
    arn = "string",
    createdTime = as.POSIXct(
    dataDelivery = list(
      cloudWatchLogs = list(
        logGroup = "string"
      s3Destination = list(
        bucket = "string",
        prefix = "string"
    description = "string",
    experimentCount = 123,
    featureCount = 123,
    lastUpdatedTime = as.POSIXct(
    launchCount = 123,
    name = "string",
    status = "AVAILABLE"|"UPDATING",
    tags = list(

Request syntax

  appConfigResource = list(
    applicationId = "string",
    environmentId = "string"
  description = "string",
  project = "string"