Get Distribution Config
cloudfront_get_distribution_config | R Documentation |
Get the configuration information about a distribution¶
Get the configuration information about a distribution.
[required] The distribution's ID. If the ID is empty, an empty distribution configuration is returned.
A list with the following syntax:
DistributionConfig = list(
CallerReference = "string",
Aliases = list(
Quantity = 123,
Items = list(
DefaultRootObject = "string",
Origins = list(
Quantity = 123,
Items = list(
Id = "string",
DomainName = "string",
OriginPath = "string",
CustomHeaders = list(
Quantity = 123,
Items = list(
HeaderName = "string",
HeaderValue = "string"
S3OriginConfig = list(
OriginAccessIdentity = "string"
CustomOriginConfig = list(
HTTPPort = 123,
HTTPSPort = 123,
OriginProtocolPolicy = "http-only"|"match-viewer"|"https-only",
OriginSslProtocols = list(
Quantity = 123,
Items = list(
OriginReadTimeout = 123,
OriginKeepaliveTimeout = 123
VpcOriginConfig = list(
VpcOriginId = "string",
OriginReadTimeout = 123,
OriginKeepaliveTimeout = 123
ConnectionAttempts = 123,
ConnectionTimeout = 123,
OriginShield = list(
Enabled = TRUE|FALSE,
OriginShieldRegion = "string"
OriginAccessControlId = "string"
OriginGroups = list(
Quantity = 123,
Items = list(
Id = "string",
FailoverCriteria = list(
StatusCodes = list(
Quantity = 123,
Items = list(
Members = list(
Quantity = 123,
Items = list(
OriginId = "string"
SelectionCriteria = "default"|"media-quality-based"
DefaultCacheBehavior = list(
TargetOriginId = "string",
TrustedSigners = list(
Enabled = TRUE|FALSE,
Quantity = 123,
Items = list(
TrustedKeyGroups = list(
Enabled = TRUE|FALSE,
Quantity = 123,
Items = list(
ViewerProtocolPolicy = "allow-all"|"https-only"|"redirect-to-https",
AllowedMethods = list(
Quantity = 123,
Items = list(
CachedMethods = list(
Quantity = 123,
Items = list(
SmoothStreaming = TRUE|FALSE,
Compress = TRUE|FALSE,
LambdaFunctionAssociations = list(
Quantity = 123,
Items = list(
LambdaFunctionARN = "string",
EventType = "viewer-request"|"viewer-response"|"origin-request"|"origin-response",
IncludeBody = TRUE|FALSE
FunctionAssociations = list(
Quantity = 123,
Items = list(
FunctionARN = "string",
EventType = "viewer-request"|"viewer-response"|"origin-request"|"origin-response"
FieldLevelEncryptionId = "string",
RealtimeLogConfigArn = "string",
CachePolicyId = "string",
OriginRequestPolicyId = "string",
ResponseHeadersPolicyId = "string",
GrpcConfig = list(
Enabled = TRUE|FALSE
ForwardedValues = list(
QueryString = TRUE|FALSE,
Cookies = list(
Forward = "none"|"whitelist"|"all",
WhitelistedNames = list(
Quantity = 123,
Items = list(
Headers = list(
Quantity = 123,
Items = list(
QueryStringCacheKeys = list(
Quantity = 123,
Items = list(
MinTTL = 123,
DefaultTTL = 123,
MaxTTL = 123
CacheBehaviors = list(
Quantity = 123,
Items = list(
PathPattern = "string",
TargetOriginId = "string",
TrustedSigners = list(
Enabled = TRUE|FALSE,
Quantity = 123,
Items = list(
TrustedKeyGroups = list(
Enabled = TRUE|FALSE,
Quantity = 123,
Items = list(
ViewerProtocolPolicy = "allow-all"|"https-only"|"redirect-to-https",
AllowedMethods = list(
Quantity = 123,
Items = list(
CachedMethods = list(
Quantity = 123,
Items = list(
SmoothStreaming = TRUE|FALSE,
Compress = TRUE|FALSE,
LambdaFunctionAssociations = list(
Quantity = 123,
Items = list(
LambdaFunctionARN = "string",
EventType = "viewer-request"|"viewer-response"|"origin-request"|"origin-response",
IncludeBody = TRUE|FALSE
FunctionAssociations = list(
Quantity = 123,
Items = list(
FunctionARN = "string",
EventType = "viewer-request"|"viewer-response"|"origin-request"|"origin-response"
FieldLevelEncryptionId = "string",
RealtimeLogConfigArn = "string",
CachePolicyId = "string",
OriginRequestPolicyId = "string",
ResponseHeadersPolicyId = "string",
GrpcConfig = list(
Enabled = TRUE|FALSE
ForwardedValues = list(
QueryString = TRUE|FALSE,
Cookies = list(
Forward = "none"|"whitelist"|"all",
WhitelistedNames = list(
Quantity = 123,
Items = list(
Headers = list(
Quantity = 123,
Items = list(
QueryStringCacheKeys = list(
Quantity = 123,
Items = list(
MinTTL = 123,
DefaultTTL = 123,
MaxTTL = 123
CustomErrorResponses = list(
Quantity = 123,
Items = list(
ErrorCode = 123,
ResponsePagePath = "string",
ResponseCode = "string",
ErrorCachingMinTTL = 123
Comment = "string",
Logging = list(
Enabled = TRUE|FALSE,
IncludeCookies = TRUE|FALSE,
Bucket = "string",
Prefix = "string"
PriceClass = "PriceClass_100"|"PriceClass_200"|"PriceClass_All",
Enabled = TRUE|FALSE,
ViewerCertificate = list(
CloudFrontDefaultCertificate = TRUE|FALSE,
IAMCertificateId = "string",
ACMCertificateArn = "string",
SSLSupportMethod = "sni-only"|"vip"|"static-ip",
MinimumProtocolVersion = "SSLv3"|"TLSv1"|"TLSv1_2016"|"TLSv1.1_2016"|"TLSv1.2_2018"|"TLSv1.2_2019"|"TLSv1.2_2021",
Certificate = "string",
CertificateSource = "cloudfront"|"iam"|"acm"
Restrictions = list(
GeoRestriction = list(
RestrictionType = "blacklist"|"whitelist"|"none",
Quantity = 123,
Items = list(
WebACLId = "string",
HttpVersion = "http1.1"|"http2"|"http3"|"http2and3",
ContinuousDeploymentPolicyId = "string",
Staging = TRUE|FALSE,
AnycastIpListId = "string"
ETag = "string"