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List Types

cloudformation_list_types R Documentation

Returns summary information about extension that have been registered with CloudFormation


Returns summary information about extension that have been registered with CloudFormation.


cloudformation_list_types(Visibility, ProvisioningType,
  DeprecatedStatus, Type, Filters, MaxResults, NextToken)



The scope at which the extensions are visible and usable in CloudFormation operations.

Valid values include:

  • PRIVATE: Extensions that are visible and usable within this account and Region. This includes:

    • Private extensions you have registered in this account and Region.

    • Public extensions that you have activated in this account and Region.

  • PUBLIC: Extensions that are publicly visible and available to be activated within any Amazon Web Services account. This includes extensions from Amazon Web Services, in addition to third-party publishers.

The default is PRIVATE.


For resource types, the provisioning behavior of the resource type. CloudFormation determines the provisioning type during registration, based on the types of handlers in the schema handler package submitted.

Valid values include:

  • FULLY_MUTABLE: The resource type includes an update handler to process updates to the type during stack update operations.

  • IMMUTABLE: The resource type doesn't include an update handler, so the type can't be updated and must instead be replaced during stack update operations.

  • NON_PROVISIONABLE: The resource type doesn't include create, read, and delete handlers, and therefore can't actually be provisioned.

The default is FULLY_MUTABLE.


The deprecation status of the extension that you want to get summary information about.

Valid values include:

  • LIVE: The extension is registered for use in CloudFormation operations.

  • DEPRECATED: The extension has been deregistered and can no longer be used in CloudFormation operations.


The type of extension.


Filter criteria to use in determining which extensions to return.

Filters must be compatible with Visibility to return valid results. For example, specifying AWS_TYPES for Category and PRIVATE for Visibility returns an empty list of types, but specifying PUBLIC for Visibility returns the desired list.


The maximum number of results to be returned with a single call. If the number of available results exceeds this maximum, the response includes a NextToken value that you can assign to the NextToken request parameter to get the next set of results.


If the previous paginated request didn't return all the remaining results, the response object's NextToken parameter value is set to a token. To retrieve the next set of results, call this action again and assign that token to the request object's NextToken parameter. If there are no remaining results, the previous response object's NextToken parameter is set to null.


A list with the following syntax:

  TypeSummaries = list(
      Type = "RESOURCE"|"MODULE"|"HOOK",
      TypeName = "string",
      DefaultVersionId = "string",
      TypeArn = "string",
      LastUpdated = as.POSIXct(
      Description = "string",
      PublisherId = "string",
      OriginalTypeName = "string",
      PublicVersionNumber = "string",
      LatestPublicVersion = "string",
      PublisherIdentity = "AWS_Marketplace"|"GitHub"|"Bitbucket",
      PublisherName = "string",
      IsActivated = TRUE|FALSE
  NextToken = "string"

Request syntax

  Visibility = "PUBLIC"|"PRIVATE",
  DeprecatedStatus = "LIVE"|"DEPRECATED",
  Filters = list(
    PublisherId = "string",
    TypeNamePrefix = "string"
  MaxResults = 123,
  NextToken = "string"